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Friday, September 02, 2005

Packaging company Rexam to build new plant

Rexam global consumer packaging group has announced that it is to build a new beverage can making plant in Brazil, to meet increased demand.

Rexam's Chief Executive Lars Emilson, announced "The project is a continuation of Rexam's strategy to increase our presence in this important market and will reinforce our competitive advantage in the region. It is an important step forward in an exciting market and it will strengthen our capability to serve our beverage can customers in South America."

The packaging manufacturer Rexam is and the world's number 1 beverage can manufacturer and the cans slated for product in the new plant are regarded as the optimal packaging solution for beverage distribution.

The beverage can manufacturing plant will be in Cuiab, in the state of Mato Grosso, in the centre-west of the country which is the region with the fastest growing GDP levels in Brazil.


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