Packaging Blog: Packaging Industry News

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

HBA Packaging show jitters…

It is that time of the year again when the best packaging, cosmetic and personal care show -the HBA Expo in New York City begins.

This show looks like another groundbreaker from what I saw yesterday while walking the floor after an interview yesterday.

Since I have exhibited or visited all but one show since the HBA Expo started, I guess I can be considered and expert on this show.

New booths and an ever-expanding Asian supplier section are the first things that struck me when walking the trade show floor. Plenty of new packaging and new raw materials I saw in the cases and in displays is what is drawing me back today for the grand opening of the premier packaging show.

Anyone who recognizes me and asks for a a free dinner tonight, gets one. I will be the person in the suit with shoes on and a briefcase. See if you can find me!

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  • At 5:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HBA Expo was a great exhibition show in NY which was a great success!


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